Seamus Lawlor

Seamus Lawlor
Seamus Lawlor - The late proprietor of the Folk and Heritage Museum

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Wishing you all a very Happy St.Patrick's Day!


1 comment:

  1. I am looking for the person (William Murphy) who posted this in 2001. The email address is no longer viable. Any help would be greatly appreciated:

    "Frank Murphy (my Uncle) emmigrated to the USA c.1900. He was born in Bennetsbridge, Co.Kilkenny and he died in NY Dec.1956. He was a Fire Chief in NY 1940's-1950's. He also had a brother -Peter he died in NY Nov.1950.
    Any info. would be appreciated. Thanks.


    Frank Murphy was Fire Commissioner of NYC and good friends with NYC Mayor O'Dwyer. I am good friends with Frank Murphy's daughter and I feel the only family she has is in Bennettsbridge. She has no brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins... of whom she is aware. Thank you.

    Carole Papadatos
